Phone Number


CBSE Affiliation No :



Danapur Cantt, Dist-Patna


Michael Grey

School Attendance

Cristopher public school


Irregular attendance and unjustified absence justifies dismissal. Students must not be kept away from the School for celebrations like engagements, marriages, poojas, etc.


The parents of the children who remain absent even for a day must write a note in the ‘Leave and Absentee Record’ in the calendar stating the reason for absentee. It must be signed by both parents as well as the teachers.


In case of a long sickness, a letter must be sent to the Principal on a neat sheet of paper enclosed in an envelope with appropriate details written on it. Parents must not wait to send this intimation until the child recovers. Parents must produce a medical certificate for absence on account of illness.


Child will be marked present only if he/she represents the school in competitions. For private competition if prior permission from school not taken he/she will be, marked absent.


Absence for any other reason would be permitted only with the prior permission from the Principal. Leaving the school premises without Principal’s permission is strictly not allowed. In case if the student is found missing from the class, the school will no longer be responsible for his/her act as well as safety. Such student will not be allowed to resume classes unless he/she is accompanied by parents. Only after discussion with parents and student, the Principal will decide what disciplinary action should be taken.


Attendance is compulsory on Independence Day Celebration,
Republic Day Celebration, first and last working day of each session.


Parents taking children away during school vacation must make sure that the children attend the school on the last and first working day. Non-availability of reservation of tickets will not be accepted as an excuse for coming late / leaving early.


In case the child misses the syllabus completed during absence, it will be parent’s
responsibility to cover the syllabus.


If child remains absent from school for more than a month without any intimation his/her name will be deleted from the roll


When communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention in their letters, the Standard and Division of their child. If it relates to the siblings studying in different classes, two separate letters should be given.


Any certificates, endorsements, verifications from the school should be asked for three days in advance through a handwritten application to the Principal.


Parents are expected to cooperate with the School Authorities by enforcing punctuality, regularity, personal cleanliness and discipline by seeing that their children prepare their lessons and by taking active and helpful interests in the activities of the School.


Parents should see that their children attend school regularly and in time. The school uniform and school books and school diary should be checked every day. Parents will sign on the school diary every day. Not signing in the school diary means parents is not serious about his ward.


Parents should inculcate regular study habits and check on their children’s homework. In case of problems, please see the Principal during visiting hours..


Criticisms of teachers or of the school in children’s presence should be avoided. You can come directly to us. Please meet the Principal regarding such matters.


Parents Teachers Interaction: PTI meeting is arranged by school and should be attended by at least one parent. Parents are not allowed to contact the teachers directly during school hours. In case, such a meeting is desired by the parent, prior appointment with the class teacher should be taken.


If a Student is likely to be absent through illness for a longer period, the Principal must be informed within three days. Doctor’s medical certificate of fitness must be submitted to the Class Teacher on the day of resuming classes.


Parents and Guardians are specially requested to notify the School of any change in their address and telephone number.


Parents, guardians or other persons are not allowed to see the pupils or call them on telephone during School hours or Interview the Teachers, while they are engaged in teaching, or at their residence